
Masuda City Tourist Information Center


〒698-0024 17-2 Ekimae-cho Masuda-shi Shimane Japan


Annual Events

The third Sunday in Jan.
Walk in the Kamate Daffodil Park
The 1st Sunday in April
Super Kagura Festival
The 2nd Sunday in April
Jozan Cherry Blossom Festival
The 3rd Sunday in April  
Masuda Festival
April 29th
Manyo Festival
May 3rd
Mito Hotspring Festival
May 3rd, 4th
Hikimi-kyo Spring Festival
The 2nd Saturday in June
Mito Firefly Festival
The 1st Saturaday in Aug.
Takatsu River Festival
September 1st
Hassaku Festival with a horseback archery event
The 3rd Sunday in Oct.
Hagi-Iwami Airport Marathon
November 2nd
Nanao Festival
November 2nd
Mito Furusato Festival
The 1st Sunday in Nov.
Omote-Hikimi-kyo Festival
The 1st Sunday in Dec.
Iwami Kagura Festival
